
Why did the Canadian Prime Minister apologize to the LGBTQ+ community in tears?

Fear because of ignorance

Today is May 17, 2022, Canadian time, and the “International Day Against Homophobia” has come again. From the last century to today, LGBTQIA+ people in many countries around the world are still being treated unfairly, discriminated against, abused, beaten, and even killed.

In May 2021, a 20-year-old Iranian youth was murdered by his family because of his same-sex sexual orientation

In 2019, 2 lesbians were violently beaten by air fighters on a night bus in London, England

In 2018, a 4th grader who came out of the closet committed suicide due to endless school violence

2016 Orlando gay club massacre mourned

Did they do something wrong? Not at all, they are just different from the so-called “majority group”. Fearless because of ignorance, fear because of unknown. Most of our fears about many things stem from our ignorance of him–because we don’t know, we are afraid, and then we speak viciously and aggressively.

Therefore, to understand a thing and a group of people is the most fundamental and effective way to eliminate fear, misunderstanding and conflict. The purpose of establishing “World No Homophobia Day” is precisely to let as many people as possible in the world have a more correct understanding of the LGBT community and complete a process of “don’t know-know-understand”.

Trudeau's 2022 International Day Against Homophobia

Trudeau’s statement this morning
Today, on International Day Against Homophobia, we join members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and bisexual (LGBTQ2) community in Canada and around the world to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that every A commitment to individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, to feel safe and be themselves.

Diversity and inclusion is one of Canada’s greatest strengths, and the Government of Canada will always support LGBTQ2 people and their rights.

Recently, Health Canada approved the Canadian Blood Services Agency’s proposal to end the deferral of blood donations for men who have sex with men and to end discriminatory blood donation bans.

Earlier this year, a bill to amend the Criminal Code (Conversion Therapy) outlawed so-called conversion therapy, a cruel, harmful and degrading practice that has no scientific basis and has caused lasting consequences for Canada’s LGBTQ2 community. pain and trauma.

Canada also recently became the first country in the world to provide transgender and non-binary census data to address important information gaps about gender diversity to better meet the needs of everyone in Canada.

Since 2015, the government has taken historic action to build a more inclusive future for everyone. On behalf of the government, I apologize to LGBTQ2 Canadians, we have invested in LGBTQ2 organizations to fight discrimination nationwide, and we have passed legislation that explicitly protects Canadians from discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes based on their gender identity or expression.

LGBTQ2 rights are human rights, and the Government of Canada recognizes that we have more work to do to ensure that everyone is free to be who they are. That’s why we partnered with LGBTQ2 people in Canada to develop an LGBTQ2 Action Plan.

In partnership with the LGBT Clearance Fund, we are building a bold and vibrant LGBTQ2 National Monument in downtown Ottawa. The “Thunderhead” monument will embody the strength, positivity and hope of the LGBTQ2 community and serve as a lasting testimony to the courage and humanity of those harmed by LGBT cleansing, homophobia and the law.

On this day, we also recognize the courageous and tireless efforts of advocates and allied organizations supporting LGBTQ2 individuals in Canada. This includes the Émergence Foundation, which created Day One Against Homophobia in Canada in 2003 and continues to bring Canadians together to advance LGBTQ2 rights.

International Day Against Homophobia is now held in 130 countries around the world. Today and every day, I encourage all Canadians to work together to help build better, more inclusive communities across the country.

Together we are building a world where we can all be ourselves and love those we love.

On May 17, the Canadian Embassy in China raised the rainbow flag

Why did the Canadian Prime Minister apologize in tears?

In 2017, Trudeau publicly apologized to the victims of the “gay purge” on behalf of the federal government.

In January 2020, the National Capital Commission approved a memorial to the victims on the west side of Capitol Hill.

The Gay Purge occurred in the 1950s and 1990s, when Canadian civil servants, military personnel and members of the RCMP were fired and fired for their sexuality.

Although Trudeau’s father, the then Canadian justice minister, Sr. Trudeau, proposed in 1967 that “the state has no control over the people’s sexual affairs”, and Canada also passed a law in 1969 against discrimination against homosexuals, but the “gay purge” continued. Lasted nearly a quarter of a century.

It wasn’t until Michelle Douglas, a military policewoman who had been fired for her sexual orientation, brought the whole thing to a close in 1992.

When the sexual minorities who once suffered stigma and discrimination finally waited for this apology, another full 1/4 century passed. If counting from the 1950s, this apology has made sexual minorities wait nearly 70 years.

In 1988, Canada’s first openly gay MP was ridiculed in the House of Representatives, with bricks thrown at his office window.

In 2017, the same out gay MP became the prime minister’s special adviser. The Prime Minister stood in front of him, making public speeches, apologizing, and touching emotions. Members of the Ottawa House of Commons followed him and wept together.

Trudeau apologizes in tears in Congress

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